Wednesday, September 22, 2010

When being a bad patient is good.

There are some scary statistics out there:

• When you see the doctor, the diagnosis will be wrong as many as one out of four times, according to a report by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

• One out of 14 times you have an abnormal test result, doctors will fail to let you know, according to Archives of Internal Medicine research out last year.

• In 2006 the Institute of Medicine reported that 1.5 million Americans are sickened, injured, or killed each year by medication errors.

It is because of stats like these that it pays to be a 'bad' patient.  One who speaks up and asks questions.  If your doctor says you need a certain procedure, do not be afraid to ask why. Get involved in your decisions about your medical care including prescriptions being prescribed and diagnostic tests being ordered, all which are increasing the costs of health care.

Be an empowered patient. Share in the decision model when it comes to your health. The reality is that a significant number of medical errors can be prevented or even eliminated by taking a proactive role in your health care. 

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